Heritage Education School Outreach Project

This is an annual national schools project for grade 8 to 11 learners aimed at encouraging the youth to know their heritage better as well as exploring traditions of other cultures.

Schools in the country challenge each other to represent their province at a week-long camp at a national heritage site where learners are taken through an educational exchange experience of a lifetime.

How Schools Participate

You can download the pack below

Download pack

The NHC submits a concept document to the National Department of Basic Education which is circulated to provincial and district offices. After this process, schools can then register to participate.

Our focus is more on disadvantaged schools and the bias is on learners who are doing Social Sciences learning areas.

For enquiries, please contact the Heritage Unit: (012) 748 3949 |
Email: heritage@nhc.org.za

Winners & Participants

Name of school Province
1st Prize Selelekela Secondary School Free State, Qwaqwa
2nd Prize Zanempucuko Senior Secondary School Eastern Cape, Qonce
3rd Prize Sitintile Secondary School Mpumalanga, Kanyamazane

Name of school Province
1st Prize Sitintile Secondary school Mpumalanga, Kanyamazane
2nd Prize Vuyani Mawethu High School North West, Klerksdorp
3rd Prize Ntsikayethu High School Kwazulu-Natal, Pietermaritburg

Name of school Province
1st Prize Geroge Mbalaheni Secondary Free State, Qwaqwa
2nd Prize Ntsikayethu High School Kwazulu-Natal
3rd Prize Selelekela Secondary School Free State, Qwaqwa