(Until all nine provinces have been supported) 


“Ubuntu” is a rich and meaningful concept that represents a core value of African culture and the living heritage that must be preserved and promoted. This philosophy emphasises the importance of community and collectivism over individualism. It is a way of life that encourages people to prioritize the needs of their community and to act with compassion and empathy towards others. By embracing Ubuntu, we can create a society that is more just and equitable, where all members are valued and supported. This philosophy touches every aspect of people’s lives, from family relationships to economic systems, and has the potential to transform our society for the better.


As we celebrate 30 years of democracy, let’s also advocate and educate our communities about the importance of Ubuntu Philosophy.

Tata Nelson Mandela is one global icon who resembled and emulated the spirit of Ubuntu. As part of this iconic birthday celebration, starting on 18 July 2024, let’s promote and advocate for Ubuntu in our communities.

Non-profit making organisations that advocate, educate and promote Ubuntu as an element of heritage at community level are invited to submit proposals for consideration.


The Purpose

The purpose of Ubuntu initiatives project is to extend the Mandela Day into a Mandela Year by inculcating the spirit of ubuntu to be part of our Living heritage. Through this initiative, the NHC will provide support to one Community project in each of the nine provinces. Applicants are therefore invited to apply for support of Community Ubuntu Initiatives that promote advocacy and education of ‘Ubuntu’ as an element of heritage. Behavioral change is one of the critical factors for societal transformation. 

Who can participate?

  • Registered NPO / NPCs involved in community social and organisations that advocate, educate and promote Ubuntu as an element of heritage at community level

The Requirements

  • Send us your Community Ubuntu Initiative proposal with a maximum of four (4) pages which includes the following information to heritage@nhc.org.za(the subject of the email should be Ubuntu Initiatives Application):
    • Name of the organisation and the registration documents, province in which they are located and operating and contact details.
    • The background of the organisation (stating what it does as an organisation)
    • A community initiative proposal with advocacy, education and awareness of the Ubuntu Philosophy as part of heritage. (Background and the objectives of the project, proposed implementation date; Target audience, participants, culture and heritage element of the project,
    • List of needs to be handed over to the participants.
    • Information about the beneficiaries (number of people, gender, ages, social background, etc).
    • Compliance: Registration documents, Tax complaint ( tax pin), active bank account and be willing to sign the contract with the NHC.

    Please note that the project should be at a lower scale focusing mainly on the communities.

    For any enquiries, Email: heritage@nhc.org.za

Ubuntu Initiative Proposal

Needs to be at community level with Education and Advocacy of Ubuntu philosophy. The initiative needs to encourage people to prioritize the needs of their community and to act with compassion and empathy towards others.

By embracing Ubuntu, we can create a society that is more just and equitable, where all members are valued and supported. This philosophy touches every aspect of people’s lives, from family relationships to economic systems, and has the potential to transform our society for the better.

This is not about simply providing basic needs to the community, but instead focuses on education and awareness, emphasizing the Ubuntu philosophy to bring about behavioral change in our communities. The aim is to ensure that our communities emulate the values of Ubuntu.

Examples of basic needs/requirements/areas of assistance/ from NPOs that will form part of the Ubuntu Initiative Proposal could be: School shoes/uniforms; food parcels; clothing; sanitary towels; reading / material etc.

N.B. The successful community organisation should be willing to sign a contract with the National Heritage Council to adhere to the entity’s requirements; complete and sign all the compulsory documents (SBD forms); submit reports and invoices post-implementation.

For enquiries, please contact the Heritage Unit: (012) 748 3949 heritage@nhc.org.za